Sunday, January 6, 2013

You Say Temptation Like It's a Bad Thing

Picture a man-eating lion with a steel chain around his neck tethered to a steel spike driven deeply into the ground. That's temptation.

Imagine that one day you're out on a walk when seemingly out of nowhere this lion, a 500-pound predatory, flesh-ripping machine, suddenly lunges at you! After the paralyzing shock and horror wears off, you realize the lion, being limited by his chain, is a good 20 feet away. After taking a brief moment to thank God that you still have all four limbs and a torso, you run away from the lion as fast as humanly possible. From this day on, you are aware the lion is out there.
I try to emotionally prepare myself for meeting the lion again and again, telling myself he's tethered and can only charge so far. Looking at his majestic beauty and strength from a distance, I'm mesmerized and begin to think to myself, "I wonder just how close I can get to this unbelievable beast and still remain safe?" Each time I walk that road and come upon the lion, I curiously inch closer and closer. Each time he thrusts himself at me, I become keenly more aware that unless I move into his sphere of death, I will remain unharmed. All of a sudden, I feel empowered, in control and maybe even a slight twinge